Throughout the year, this page will have song lyrics, as well as videos and song clips for students to practice their songs, and information about concerts and upcoming performances.
The El Marino Choir is open to all students in grades 2-5. Rehearsals are every Thursday morning, from 8:00~8:35 in the auditorium. Students are expected to be present every week and on time. If, at any time, you decide not to continue, please let Ms. Koplinka-Loehr know.
Lyrics are included below; feel free to print them out and practice them at home! If you would like to practice the song "Amani Utupe," click here. If you would like to practice "The Adventures of Isabel," click here. If you would like to practice "Wind on the Hill," click here. If you would like to practice "Oozora Sanka," click here.
Our spring concert will be on Monday, May 22nd, at 6:00pm in the Cafeteria. Please note that this is an earlier time than previously noted and is a change in start time. Students should wear a white top and black pants or a black skirt and black shoes, and should come to the cafeteria at 5:45 pm to warm up. Please see attached flier for more details.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at: [email protected], or by phone at (310) 842-4200, ext. 5001. Thanks for a great start to our year!
Musically yours,
Danielle Koplinka-Loehr
Music Educator, Culver Unified School District