El Marino Language School

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Homework will always be written on the board for the students to copy in their Student Planners/Agendas (provided by the school) as well as in teacher's planner she has them copy as a class. Please develop a habit of checking your child's planner everyday and signing it after assignments are completed. Students should develop a habit of reading a book of their choice for at least 30 minutes daily in both languages. Please help your child to find reading materials that he or she enjoys and try to find some time each week to read together. Let's work together to cultivate a love of reading! They also should practice their recorder and sing any assigned songs every day. In the event that no homework is assigned, students can use their extra time for math facts review and practice (see the "links" for some fun websites), extra reading time, practicing their recorder, researching a topic of interest on the internet (with parental approval, of course!), or simply enjoying their own creative pursuits.
Los alumnos necesitan copiar as tarea de casa de mi agenda/planner o del pizarrón todos los dias. Por favor revisa y firma la agenda de su hijo/a a diario cuando hayan acabado con las tareas. También tienen tarea de lectura y de música - flauta dulce o cantar- a diario por 10 a 15 minutos.